About US

The story began in 2011 when I was in pharmacy school attending my first lecture on medicinal plants. Five of us pharmacists gathered around our shared passion and friendship to embark on a long journey filled with successful and unsuccessful steps. We finally achieved our dream in March 2020 with the launch of our first line of therapeutic and cosmetic products for hair, skin, body, and children. Thanks to God, we now have a wide range of products that cater to the needs of every Egyptian household, whether it be for mothers, fathers, children, or young adults. Our products have proven their worth and high efficiency. In March 2023, we expanded our lab from a pharmacy to a licensed company by the Ministry of Health with licensed products. Our exclusive formulations are manufactured in Egypt’s finest factories with a quality that exceeds imports and prices that are affordable.

Welcome to Twinkle-Care, where beauty meets affordability. Our mission is to empower all women to look and feel their best by providing high-quality cosmetics at an affordable price point.

We believe that every woman deserves to feel beautiful, and our range of products is designed to cater to all skin types, shades, and preferences. Whether you’re looking for the perfect foundation, a bold lipstick, or a skincare routine that suits your needs, we’ve got you covered.

Our team is dedicated to sourcing the best ingredients and ensuring that our products are ethically and sustainably made. We pride ourselves on being a cruelty-free brand and are committed to reducing our impact on the environment.

At Twinkle-Care, we know that beauty is not one-size-fits-all. That’s why we offer a diverse range of products that cater to different skin types and preferences. Our team is always working to develop new and innovative products that cater to the latest trends in the beauty industry.

We are passionate about what we do, and we believe that beauty should be accessible to all. Our affordable prices make it easy for you to experiment with different products and find the perfect look for you.

Thank you for choosing Twinkle-Care. We can’t wait to help you unleash your inner beauty!